来源:Towards Data Science 时间:2023-02-27 13:09:50 作者:Marcello Politi(机器学习专家)
数据观将从今日起连载《从可视化线性代数开始机器学习》系列文章,作者为欧洲航天局机器学习专家Marcello Politi,专业深度讲述机器学习的“黑魔法”。
Visualized Linear Algebra to Get Started with Machine Learning: Part 1
Master elements of linear algebra, start with simple and visual explanations of basic concepts.
Often the main difficulty one faces when one wants to begin one’s journey into the world of machine learning is having to understand math concepts. Sometimes this can be difficult if you do not have a solid background in subjects such as linear algebra, statistics, probability, optimization theory, or others.
In this article then, I would like to start by giving intuitive explanations of basic linear algebra concepts that are essential before delving into the world of Machine Learning. Obviously, this article is not meant to be exhaustive there is a lot to know about this subject, but maybe it can be a first approach to tackling this subject!
What is a vector?
Simple Vector Operations
Basis, Vector Space and Linear Indipendence
Matrices and Solving Equations
Why Linear Algebra is important for Data Science?
Linear algebra allows us to solve real-life problems, especially problems that are very common in data science.
Assume we go to the market to buy 3 avocados, and 4 broccoli and pay $8. The next day we buy 11 avocados and 2 broccoli and pay $12.Now we want to find out how much a single avocado and a single broccoli cost. We have to solve the following expressions simultaneously.
假设我们去市场购买 3 个鳄梨和 4 个西兰花,并支付 8 美元。第二天,我们买了 11 个鳄梨和 2 个西兰花,并支付了 12 美元。现在,我们想知道单个鳄梨和单个西兰花的成本是多少,我们必须同时解决下列数学表达式。
Linear Algebra Problem (Image By Author)
Another typical problem is to find the best parameters of a function for it to fit the data we have collected. So suppose we already know what kind of function we need to use, but this function can change its form since it depends on some parameters. We want to find the best form and therefore the best parameters.
Fitting Data (Image By Author)
Let’s for example call μ = param1 and θ = param2.
Usually, in Machine Learning, we want to iteratively update bot [μ, θ] to find at the end some good curve that fits our data.
例如,我们调用μ = param1和θ = param2。
通常,在机器学习中,我们希望迭代更新 bot [μ, θ]以在最后找到适合我们数据的良好曲线。
Let’s say that a curve far away from the optimal green curve has a high error, while a curve similar to the green one has a low error. We usually say that we want to find those parameters [μ, θ] in order to minimize the error, so find the curve which is as closest as possible to the green one.
比方说,离最佳绿色曲线较远的曲线有较高误差,而与绿色曲线相似的曲线有较低误差。我们通常说要找到那些参数[μ, θ],使误差最小化,所以要找到尽可能接近绿色曲线的其他曲线。
Let’s see how linear algebra can help us with these problems!
What is a vector?
A vector in physics is a mathematical entity that has a direction a sign and a magnitude. So it is commonly represented visually with an arrow.
Vector (Image By Author)
Often in computer science, the concept of vector is generalized. In fact, you will hear many times the term list instead of vector. In this conception, the vector is nothing more than a list of properties that we can use to represent anything.
Suppose we want to represent houses according to 3 of their properties:
1. The number of rooms
1. 房间数
2. The number of bathrooms
2. 卫生间数
3. Square meters
Lists (Image By Author)
For example, in the image above we have two vectors. The first represents a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 85 square meters. The second, on the other hand, represents a house with 3 rooms, 1 bathroom and 60 square meters.
例如,在上图中我们有两个矢量。第一个代表一个有4间卧室、2 间卫生间和85平方米的房子;第二个代表一个有3个房间、1个卫生间和60平方米的房子。
Of course, if we are interested in other properties of the house we can create a much longer vector. In this case, we will say that the vector instead of having 3 dimensions will have n dimensions. In machine learning, we can often have hundreds or thousands of dimensions!
Simple Vector Operations
There are operations we can perform with vectors, the simplest of which are certainly addition between two vectors, and multiplication of a vector by a scalar (i.e., a simple number).
To add 2 vectors you can use the parallelogram rule. That is, you draw vectors parallel to those we want to add and then draw the diagonal. The diagonal will be the resulting vector of the addition. Believe me, it is much easier to understand this by looking directly at the following example.
Vector Addition (Image By Author)
While multiplication by a scalar stretches the vector by n units. See the following example.
Vector -Scala Multiplication (Image By Author)
Modulus and Inner Product
A vector is actually always expressed in terms of other vectors. For example, let us take as reference vectors, two vectors i and j both with length 1 and orthogonal to each other.
Unit Lenght Vectors (Image By Author)
Now we define a new vector r, which starts from the origin, that is, from the point where i and j meet, and which is a times longer than i, and b times longer than j.
现在我们定义一个新的矢量r,它从原点开始,即从i和j 的交点开始,比i长a倍,比j 长b倍。
A vector in Space (Image By Author)
More commonly we refer to a vector using its coordinates r = [a,b], in this way we can identify various vectors in a vector space.
更常见的是,我们使用坐标 r = [a,b] 来引用矢量,这样我们就可以在矢量空间中识别各种矢量。
Now we are ready to define a new operation, the modulus of a vector, that is, its length can be derived from its coordinates and is defined as follows.
ector Modulus (Image by Author)
The Inner Product on the other hand is another operation with which given two vectors, it multiplies all their components and returns the sum.
Inner (dot) Product (Image By Author)
The inner product has some properties that may be useful in some cases :
commutative : r*s = s*r
distributive over addition : r*(s*t) = r*s + r*t
associative over scalar multiplication: r*(a*s) = a*(r*s) where a is a scalar
Notice that if you compute the inner product of a vector per itself, you will get its modulus squared!
交换律:r*s = s*r
分配加法:r*(s*t) = r*s + r*t
结合标量乘法:r*(a*s) = a*(r*s) 其中 a 是标量
Inner (dot) Product (Image by Author)
Cosine (dot) Product
So far we have only seen a mathematical definition of the inner product based on the coordinates of vectors. Now let us see a geometric interpretation of it. Let us create 3 vectors r, s and their difference r-s, so as to form a triangle with 3 sides a,b,c.
到目前为止,我们只看到了基于向量坐标的内积的数学定义。现在让我们看看它的几何解释。创建 3 个向量r, s和它们的差r-s,形成一个有a,b,c 三条边的三角形。
Triangle (Image By Autor)
We know from our high school days that we can derive c using a simple rule of trigonometry.
Trigonometry (Image By Author)
But then we can derive from the above that:
(Image By Author)
So the comprised angle has a strong effect on the result of this operation. In fact in some special cases where the angle is 0°, 90°, and 180° we will have that the cosine will be 0,1,-1 respectively. And so we will have special effects on this operation. So for example, 2 vectors that are 90 degrees to each other will always have a dot product = 0.
所以夹角对这个操作的结果有很大的影响。事实上,在角度为 0°、90° 和 180°的特殊情况下,余弦将分别为 0,1,-1,这将对此操作产生特殊效果。因此,例如,2个相互成90°的矢量总有一个点积=0。
Let’s consider two vectors r and s. These two vectors are close to each other from one side and make an angle θ in between them. Let’s put a torch on top of s, and we’ll see a shadow of s on r. That’s the projection of s on r.
让我们假设两个矢量 r 和 s。这两个矢量从一侧彼此靠近并在它们之间形成角度θ,在s上放一个手电筒,我们会在r上看到s的影子。那是s在r上的投影。
Projection (Image By Author)
There are 2 basics projection operations:
Scalar Projection: gives us the magnitude of the projection
Vector Projections: gives us the projection vector itself
Projections (Image By Author)
Changing Basis
Changing basis in linear algebra refers to the process of expressing a vector in a different set of coordinates, called a basis. A basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that can be used to express any vector in a vector space. When a vector is expressed on a different basis, its coordinates change.
We have seen, for example, that in two dimensions each vector can be represented as a sum of two basis vectors [0,1] and [1,0]. These two vectors are the basis of our space. But can we use two other vectors as the basis and not just these two? Certainly but in this case the coordinates of each vector in our space will change. Let’s see how.
例如,我们已经看到,在二维空间中,每个矢量都可以表示为两个基矢量 [0,1] 和 [1,0] 的和。这两个矢量是我们空间的基础。试想,可以使用其他两个矢量作为基础而不仅仅是这两个吗?当然可以,但在这种情况下,空间中每个矢量坐标都会发生变化。
New basis (Image by Author)
In the image above, I have two bases. The base (e1, e2), and the base (b1,b2). In addition, I have a vector r (in red). This vector has coordinates [3,4] when expressed in terms of (e1,e2) which is the base we’ve always used by default. But how do its coordinates become when expressed in terms of (b1,b2)?
To find these coordinates we need to go by steps. First, we need to find the projections of the vector r onto the vectors of the new base (b1,b2).
Changing Basis (Image By Author)
It’s easy to see that the sum of these projections we created is just r.
显而易见我们创建的这些投影的总和就是 r。
r = p1 + p2.
Furthermore, in order to change the basis, I have to check that the new basis is also orthogonal, meaning that the vectors are at 90 degrees to each other, so they can define the whole space.
To check this just see if the cosine of the angle is 0 which means an angle of 90 degrees.
要检查这一点,只需查看角度的余弦是否为 0,这意味着角度为 90 度。
Check orthonormal basis (Image by Author)
Now we go on to calculate the vector projections of r on the vectors (b1,b2), with the formula we saw in the previous chapter.
现在我们继续计算 r 在矢量 (b1,b2) 上的矢量投影,使用我们在前一章提到的公式。
Vector Projection (Image By Author)
The value circled in red in the vector projection will give us the coordinate of the new vector r expressed in base b : (b1,b2) instead of e : (e1,e2).
矢量投影中用红色圈出的值将为我们提供以基数b表示的新矢量r的坐标:(b1,b2) 而非e:(e1,e2)。
Vector r in new basis b (Image by Author)
To check that the calculations are right we need to check that the sum of the projections is just r in base e:(e1,e2).
[4,2] + [-1,2] = [3,4]
Basis, Vector Space and Linear Indipendence
We have already seen and talked about basis. But let’s define more precisely what a vector basis is in a vector space.
A basis is a set of n vectors that:
基是一组 n 个矢量,它们:
are not linear combinations of each other (linearly independent)
span the space: the space is n-dimensional
The first point means that if, for example, I have 3 vectors a,b,c forming a basis, that means there is no way to add these vectors together and multiply them by scalars and get zero!
第一点是说,例如我有 3 个矢量a、b、c构成一个基,这意味着没有办法将这些矢量加在一起并乘以标量并得到零!
If I denote by x y and z any three scalars (two numbers), it means that :
如果我用x ,y和z表示任意三个标量(两个数字),则意味着:
xa + yb +zc != 0
(obviously excluding the trivial case where x = y = z = 0). In this case, we will say that the vectors are linearly independent.
(显然不包括 x = y = z = 0 的简单情况)。在这种情况下,我们会说矢量是线性无关的。
This means, for example, that there is no way to multiply by scalars and add a and b together to get c. It means that if a and b lie in space in two dimensions c lies in a third dimension instead.
例如,无法乘以标量并将a和b加在一起得到c。这意味着如果a和b位于二维空间中,则 c 位于第三维空间中。
While the second point means that I can multiply these vectors by scalars and sum them together to get any possible vectors in a 3-dimensional space. So these 3 basis vectors are enough for me to define the whole space of dimension n=3.
而第二点意味着我可以将这些矢量乘以标量并将它们加在一起以获得 3 维空间中的任何可能矢量。所以这 3 个基矢量足以让我定义维度 n=3 的整个空间。
Matrices and solving simultaneous equations
By now you should be pretty good at handling vectors and doing operations with them. But what are they used for in real life? We saw in the beginning that one of our goals was to solve multiple equations together simultaneously, for example, to figure out the prices of vegetables at the supermarket.
Simultaneous Equations (Image By Author)
But now that we know the vectors we can rewrite these equations in a simpler way. We put the vectors of coefficients [2,10] and [3,1] next to each other in forming a matrix (set of vectors). Then we will have the vector of unknowns [a,b] and finally the result [8,3].
Vectorized Form (Image By Author)
Now you may ask whether this new form of writing the problem is really better or not. How do you do multiplication between a matrix and a vector? It is very simple. Just multiply each row of the matrix by the vector. In case we had a multiplication between two matrices we would have to multiply each row of the first matrix by each column of the second matrix.
So by applying this rule rows by columns we should regain the original shape.
Matrix Multiplication (Image By Author)
This form, however, has other advantages as well. It gives us a geometric interpretation of what is happening. Every matrix defines a transformation in space. So if I have a point in a space and I apply a matrix, my point will move in some way.
Matrix Transformation (Image By Author)
But then we can also say that a matrix is nothing more than a function that takes a point as input and generates a new one as output.
So our initial problem can be interpreted as follows, “What is the original vector [a,b] on which the transformation results in [8,3]?”
所以我们最初的问题可以解释如下:“什么是原始向量 [a,b],其变换结果为 [8,3]?”
In this way, you can think about solving simultaneous equations as transformations over vectors in a vector space. Plus operations with matrices have the following properties that can be very useful.
Given A(r) = r2 where A is a matrix and r, r2 are both scalar:
给定 A(r) = r2,其中 A 是矩阵,r、r2 都是标量:
A(nr) = ns where n is a scalar
A(nr) = ns其中n是标量
A(r+s) = A(r) + A(s) where s is a vector
A(r+s) = A(r) + A(s)其中s是矢量
Matrices and space transformations
To understand the effects of a matrix then we can see how they transform the vectors to which they are applied. In particular, we might see what is the impact of a matrix when applied on the eigenbasis.
If we have a 2x2 matrix and we are in a space in two dimensions, the first column of the matrix will tell us what the effect will be on the vector e1 = [1,0] and the second column instead will tell us what the effect will be on the vector e1 = [0,2].
We then see the effect of some known matrices. These transformations are often useful in Machine Learning for data augmentation on images, you can stretch or shrink those images for example.
Matrix transformations (Image By Author)
We can also apply multiple consecutive transformations to a vector. So if we have two transformations represented by the matrices A1 and A2 we can apply them consecutively A2(A1(vector)).
But this is different from applying them inversely i.e. A1(A2(vector)). That is why the product between matrices does not enjoy the commutative property.